How to knitt stitches

How to knitt stitches

Let’s get knitting! This is how you work knit stitches:

Figure 1: Hold the needle with the stitches in your left hand. Place the working yarn round your left index finger and keep the strand in place in the palm of your hand using your ring- and little finger. Rest your right index finger close to the tip of the right hand needle. The yarn between the needle and your index finger should be a bit tight and must always be kept in place behind your piece when working knit stitches.

Figure 2: Insert the right hand needle through the first stitch on the left hand needle to create a new stitch.

Figure 3: Using your left index finger place the yarn over the right needle OR? swivel the tip of the right hand needle to the right and under the yarn strand, scooping up the yarn from your left index finger.

Figure 4: Pull the yarn through the loop with the tip of the right hand needle.

Figure 5: You now have the new stitch on the right hand needle, but the old stitch is still on the left hand needle.

Figure 6: Slide the old stitch off the left hand needle and pull lightly on the yarn thread behind the new stitch.

Figure 7: Continue like this until you have worked all stitches off the left hand needle and all new stitches are on the right hand needle.

You have now completed the first row knit stitches. Turn the piece, move the needle with stitches to your left hand and start working a new row of knit stitches with your right hand needle.

See this video for extra help