How to knit stitches

How to knit stitches

Let’s get knitting! If you work all rows with the knit stitch it`s called garter stitch. This is how you work knit stitches:

Figure 1: Hold the needle with the stitches in your left hand. Place the working yarn round your left index finger and keep the strand in place in the palm of your hand using your ring- and little finger. Rest your right index finger close to the tip of the right hand needle. The yarn between the needle and your index finger should be a bit tight and must always be kept in place behind your piece when working knit stitches.

Figure 2: Insert the right hand needle through the first stitch on the left hand needle to create a new stitch.

Figure 3: Using your left index finger place the yarn over the right needle OR? swivel the tip of the right hand needle to the right and under the yarn strand, scooping up the yarn from your left index finger.

Figure 4: Pull the yarn through the loop with the tip of the right hand needle.

Figure 5: You now have the new stitch on the right hand needle, but the old stitch is still on the left hand needle.

Figure 6: Slide the old stitch off the left hand needle and pull lightly on the yarn thread behind the new stitch.

Figure 7: Continue like this until you have worked all stitches off the left hand needle and all new stitches are on the right hand needle.

You have now completed the first row knit stitches. Turn the piece, move the needle with stitches to your left hand and start working a new row of knit stitches with your right hand needle.

See this video for extra help

Comments (8)

Anna-Karin Isaksson wrote:

Stickade mycket på 70-talet men upptäckte nu er sida och blev sugen på att börja igen. Många goda tips, videos och bra instruktioner m m!!!!

12.06.2024 - 20:35

Veronika wrote:

Warum wird bei dieser Technik das Strickbild nicht gleichmäßig schön. Gibt es einen Trick, dass es regelmäßiger wird. Bitte dann mit einem Video erklären, damit alle es besser verstehen können. Kann nur in dieser Technik stricken. Vielen Dank

18.09.2023 - 17:31

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Veronika, es gibt unterschiedliche Technike, um rechte bzw linke Maschen zu stricken; hier finden Sie einige Videos: rechte Masche: Englishe Art oder Kontinentale Methode - und linke Maschen: UK, kontinental oder Norwegische Art. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

19.09.2023 - 10:17

Fröken Anna wrote:

Hej! Jag undrar om jag får länka till och använda era toppenbra instruktionsfilmer i min undervisning som textilslöjdslärare? Mvh Anna

01.03.2023 - 16:44

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Fröken Anna Så hyggelig at du spør, det går helt fint. mvh DROPS Design

06.03.2023 - 07:03

Marta wrote:

Brakuje mi tu metody słowiańskiej robienia na drutach, zwanej również heretycka. Bardzo dużo Polek robi ta metoda. Czy ta metoda nie jest poprawna? Czy dostępne wzory mogę wykonywać ta metoda?

13.01.2023 - 12:36

DROPS Design answered:

Witaj Marto, dzierganie wschodnie polega na mieszaniu techniki kontynentalnej z innym przerabianiem lewych oczek, co powoduje, że oczka układają się inaczej na drucie w prawym rzędzie. To z kolei może doprowadzić do przerabiania oczek przekręconych, co zniekształca robótkę, gdy przerabiamy na okrągło (skręca robótkę), a również zmienia wygląd ściegów (np. ażurów). Nasze wzory są projektowanie dla techniki kontynentalnej. Pozdrawiamy!

16.01.2023 - 19:26

Your Mom wrote:

I dont understand

11.11.2022 - 13:06

Pernilla Ekström wrote:

Hej! Älskar era tutorials. Bara undrar om jag gör nåt fel för jag lägger upp maskor och stickar rätstickning men det blir hela tiden nya maskor? Så arbetet blir bredare än det ska vara. Mvh nybörjare

19.09.2021 - 09:58

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Pernilla. Usikker på hva du gjør feil. Mulig du strikker 2 masker i 1 maske slik at du øker. Altså at du strikker 1 maske i fremste maskeledd og så 1 maske i bakre maskeledd, eller kanskje strikker opp 1 maske mellom 2 masker? Prøv å se videoen i slowmotion (klikk på tannhjulet) og under Speed kan du velge velg 0,5x eller 0,75x). Kanskje det hjelper? mvh DROPS design

20.09.2021 - 09:33

Charlene West wrote:

I'm so glad to have found you on the internet. However, I cannot get the audio for the tutorials on the website.

22.12.2016 - 17:27

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs West, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people around the world, speaking different languages, many of whom do not understand English. We have therefore written instructions to accompany this video, and there is no sound to disturb while watching. Enjoy!

22.12.2016 - 18:23

Cyrille wrote:

C'est curieux, j'ai toujours tenu le fil de la pelote avec la main droite... Y a-t-il un intérêt particulier à le tenir avec la main gauche? En tout cas un grand merci pour ces tutoriels et vidéos, qui me font font beaucoup progresser dans ma pratique du tricot!

07.12.2015 - 13:15

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Cyrille et merci. Il existe 2 "grandes" méthodes de tenir le fil, la méthode anglaise/américaine et la méthode continentale réputée plus rapide. Bon tricot!

07.12.2015 - 14:18

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