How to show a puff sleeve flap and assembly

Keywords: kabátky, pulovry, topy,

In this DROPS video we show how to cast off stitches for the "flap" to a puff sleeve. We only work ½ the part of a yoke and we start the video by showing how we cast off stitches on top of the middle of the shoulder which is to become a «flap». Then we show how to cast on new stitches "under" the flap. We also put some markers in the work where it is to be increased later (read in the pattern how to increase it). When the body and sleeves have finished, baste a strand up and down through cast-on edge at the top on sleeve. Wrinkle the sleeve cap so that it fits in a straight line to the opening where stitches were cast off on shoulder. In the video, we fold in the cast on edge a bit and fasten it with needles before sewing it in a straight line on the top of the sleeve.

We use the yarn DROPS Snow in video.
You also need to read a pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern using this technique by clicking on the picture below.

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Komentáře (3)

Chris wrote:

Hvor er videoen? :/ Får bare lest kommentarfeltet.

28.04.2024 - 01:17

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Chris. Skal ligge en video øverst (ligger iallefall der nå). Kan hende det var noe opplastningsproblemer akkurrat da du var inne på siden, evnt sjekk internett tilkoblingen din og se om du har noen problemer. mvh DROPS Design

29.04.2024 - 07:34

Ewelina wrote:

Zrobiłam wszystko jak w filmie, na dwie strony oczywiście, ale po odłączeniu rękawów zostało bardzo mało oczek tułowia, nie dałoby się założyć swetra. Co z tym zrobić żeby ten tułów był szerszy ?

17.11.2022 - 08:59

Dorthe Halskov Andersen wrote:

Der er et spring i videoen, så man ikke ser hvordan stykker bliver sat sammen i drops 232-53

23.07.2022 - 16:06

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Dorthe. Hva tenker du på ? Vi viser bare 1/2 delen av et bærestykket. Når du strikker etter oppskrift, strikker du et helt bærestykke. Eller tenker du på hvordan bærestykket og ermet blir satt sammen? De strikkes sammen. Teksten under videoen forklarer hva som gjøres i videoen. mvh DROPS Design

08.08.2022 - 13:57

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