Crochet tip for fastening strands

Keywords: deky, je dobré vědět, pruhy,

In this DROPS video we show how to avoid sewing many strands after colour change. Work the first 2 stitches at beginning of every row with new colour with double yarn (same colour). Then place yarn end along stitches from previous row and work around it so that the yarn end is hidden inside the stitches. In addition should the yarn end left at the end of row also be placed along the stitches when turning the piece to work around this yarn end as well. The way the strands are fastened without using a needle.
We use the yarn DROPS Snow in the video.

You must read the pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern where you can use this technique by clicking on one of the picture below.

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Solange Maria Varone wrote:

Muito bom esse site

05.12.2022 - 13:22

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