How to read knitting diagrams

A knitting diagram consists of squares. 1 square = 1 stitch - the symbol definition provide information on how the stitch is worked. The diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side (unless otherwise specified).

A diagram looks like this:

  1. A.1 is the name of the diagram, and refer to the entire diagram.
  2. A.2 is only the part of the diagram within the square brackets.
  3. This number refers to the number of stitches on the 1st row of the diagram.
  4. This is the symbol definition: it explains how each stitch is worked, or in what color (in multicolored patterns).

You read a knitting diagram completely opposite to how you would normally read: from right to left, from bottom to top. In other words: you start with the symbol in the bottom right corner, and work your way leftwards and upwards (see RED in diagram below). If you are supposed to start at a different point/with a different stitch, will this be specified - for example: the different sizes can start at different places in the same diagram (see BLUE box below).

If you are supposed to work several repeats of a diagram (ie: work the same diagram several times in width) you’ll work until the end of the diagram row, and start again with the first stitch for the next repeat.

Back and forth:

When working back and forth, every other row will be worked from the right side and every other row will be worked from the wrong side. Since the diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side, you’ll have to work it in opposite way when working from the wrong side (see BLUE arrows in diagram below): you read the row from left to right, knit stitches are purled, and purl stitches are knit etc (this will often be specified in symbol definition: “knit from right side, purl from wrong side”).

In the round:

When working in the round all rounds are worked from the right side, and the diagram is read solely from right to left. When starting a new round, simply start working the first symbol on the next row in diagram.

Several different diagrams worked consecutively on the row/round:

If you’re working several different diagrams after each other on the same row/round, work as follows: Work 1st row in diagram 1, continue with 1st row in diagram 2, then 1st row in diagram 3 etc. REMEMBER: if you’re working back and forth, the diagram will have to be worked in the opposite order from the wrong side - ie: start with diagram 3, then diagram 2 and lastly diagram 1. They are also worked in opposite way as usual.

In the pattern this can be written as follows: “work A.1, A.2, A.3 a total of 1-1-2-3-4 times”. This means that you first work A.1, then A.2 and finally you repeat A.3 a total of 1-1-2-3-4 times (depending on your size). It is ONLY A.3 that is repeated, A.1 and A.2 are worked 1 time each.

When stitch count doesn’t match whole repeats of diagram:

Sometimes the stitch count is not divisible with full/whole repeats of the diagram in width. For example: A.1 covers 12 stitches and is to be repeated over 40 stitches. In this case you will work 3 full repeats of A.1 (=36 stitches), and then work the first 4 stitches in the diagram over the remaining stitches (see RED line below). This is usually the case where the diagram is a repetitive pattern, so that regardless of working full repeats, the pattern will still be consistent.

Comments (613)

Maes wrote:

Bonjour,je souhaite faire le modèle 228-1,mais je ne comprends pas quand il est écrit tricoter A2 sur A1! Je comprends le graphique,prouvez vous m'aider car je suis bloqué. Merci à vous.

17.06.2024 - 10:52:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Maes, lorsque vous avez terminé A.1, vous avez 10 m dans chaque A.1, vous tricotez maintenant simplement A.2 (=10 m au 1er rang) au lieu de chaque A.1. Bon tricot!

17.06.2024 - 15:31:

Gabriela wrote:

Muchas gracias clarísima la explicación, ahora podré tejer el diagrama del patrón hermoso de ustedes que elegí

17.06.2024 - 03:17:

Maria Jose Rocha wrote:

Seria possivel explicar me de forma mais clara como fazer o bikini DROPS 190-4 DROPS Safran (2.50mm). Gostava de fazer para as minhas netas mas não entendo o diagrama apresentado. muito obrigada

31.05.2024 - 11:49:

Pia Halvorsen wrote:

Hej. Er ved at strikke Drops 178-15. Hvordan skal jeg forstå dette på ærmet: fortsæt med mønster A.2/A.4 over de næste 57 masker?

19.05.2024 - 08:22:

Rita wrote:

Beste, Ik kom niet goed uit het telpatroon voor het vest (DROPS Children 7-13). Kunt u mij misschien iets verder helpen?

02.05.2024 - 15:55:

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Rita,

Zou je aan kunnen geven waar je precies niet uit komt? Dan kunnen we je wellicht beter helpen. En, oh ja... zou je zo vriendelijk willen zijn om je vraag bij het betreffende patroon te plaatsen? Alvast bedankt!

20.05.2024 - 19:17:

Angeline wrote:

Wire Diagram

21.04.2024 - 19:13:

Virginie Chabry wrote:

Bonjour après avoir recommencer plusieurs fois le modèle dazzling diamonds veste en taille S au-dessus je n'ai jamais le bon nombre de mailles . Du coup le motif n'est pas bon D'avance merci

09.04.2024 - 15:57:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Chabry, essayez de placer des marqueurs entre chaque motif, cela peut vous aider à bien vérifier votre nombre de mailles pour être certaine de tomber juste. Bon tricot!

10.04.2024 - 08:15:

Zoe wrote:

Hi! I have a question. If I'm working a diagram for sleeves while knitting a raglan sweater on the round, should I read the diagram from left to right while knitting the second sleeve of the round?

07.04.2024 - 17:34:

DROPS Design answered:

Hi Zoe, when you work in the round, you read the diagram from right to left (both sleaves) in every round, unless the pattern states otherwise. Happy knitting!

11.04.2024 - 14:07:

Manon Blais wrote:

Je commence le gilet Swing by Spring Top drop est 222-32. Je ne comprends pas le diagramme A.2 pour le XL. Il a 4 graphiques je ne sais pas comment le lire et le commencer attends de vos nouvelles svp . J'ai hâte de commencer a le faire

05.04.2024 - 21:23:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Blais, vous retrouverez la réponse à votre question sur la page des explications, mais pensez aussi à consulter la vidéo de A.2 qui vous aidera aussi sûrement, même si on le tricote dans une autre taille dans la vidéo. Bon tricot!

08.04.2024 - 09:24:

Greta Lamberts wrote:

Beste, ik brei nr 236-11, bij telpatroon A3A moet ik 1steek meerderen; bij A3B moet ik 1 steek minderen en 1 steek meerderen en bij A3C 1steek minderen. Soms moet ik daar ook een knoop breien. Kan je me zeggen hoe ik dat best doe? Dank bij voorbaat, Greta.

29.03.2024 - 12:38:

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Greta,

In de telpatronen staan pijlen om aan te geven op welke naalden je moet meerderen. Op deze plekken heb je, als het goed is, geen knopen.

10.04.2024 - 09:53:

Kathy wrote:

Hi I am working on 40-21 butterfly in fall , the pattern says work A1 A2 A3 confused, do i work one row of A1 followed by A2 and A3 or do i complete A1 The A2 and A3 thanks

22.03.2024 - 16:59:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Kathy, if you are referring to the following sentence: "5 band stitches in garter stitch, work A.1 (= 8 stitches), work stocking stitch until you have reached 4-5-5-5-5-5 stitches past marker 2, work A.1 (= 8 stitches), A.2 (= 9 stitches), A.3 (= 8 stitches), work stocking stitch .... ." In this case, you work row 1 of chart A.1, row 1 of chart A.2 and row 1 of chart A.3. In the next row, work row 2 of each chart over row 1 of the charts (work A.1 over A.1, A.2 over A.2, A.3 over A.3). You continue working the charts upwards (i.e vertically) until you complete them. Happy knitting!

24.03.2024 - 23:13:

Tracy Barkhan wrote:

Good day, I am knitting Autumn reflections 246-3. I do not understand working the three pattern charts. Do I knit A1, then A2, then back to A1 then A2 until the last 11 stiches and then knit A3?

22.03.2024 - 11:25:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Barkhan, seen from RS you will work: A.1 (1 time in width), repeat A.2 until µ11 sts remain then work A.3 and the 7 band sts; seen from WS (read now diagrams from the left towards the right) work: 7 band sts, A.3, repeat A.2 and end with A.1 and 7 band sts. Happy knitting!

22.03.2024 - 15:29:

Deila Jubault wrote:

Bonjour, je souhaite tricoter le Colours of Winter, mais sur le diagramme de l'empiècement je ne comprend pas de quel couleurs et a quel endroit dois-je faire les augmentation pour que ca ne déforme pas les prochain dessins ?

28.02.2024 - 15:42:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Jubault, les couleurs sont représentées par les symboles et répertoriés dans la légende; lorsque l'on augmente à intervalles réguliers, les motifs ne vont pas se répéter directement les uns au-dessus des autres comme dans le diagramme mais tombent juste à chaque fois en largeur. Bon tricot!

29.02.2024 - 12:57:

Terry Mumford wrote:

The directions say to knit a certain number of stitches in Pattern 1, then a certain number in pattern 2, and a certain number in pattern 3…..I do not see anything that is labeled “patterns”…..I do see 3 separate design charts, but they are labeled as M1, M2 and M3……cannot figure out what the M stands for… ??? The pattern I am hoping to make is a cable sweater called. Little Pernille. Thanks in advance. ….

28.02.2024 - 05:13:

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Mumford, it looks correct, in some old patterns the diagram were called "pattern" in the written pattern; if you like to be sure, you are welcome to tell us which pattern you are working on or ask your question at the bottom of the pattern page. Happy knitting!

28.02.2024 - 09:54:

Manon wrote:

Ik brei linkshandig. Moet ik dan de oneven rijtjes niet van links naar rechts breien? Mijn goede kant zit dan toch aan de andere kant?

27.02.2024 - 21:48:

Harribaud Eliane wrote:

Bonjour je suis entrain de tricoter la manche du modèle 213/20 Répéter A4 au dessus des 54 mailles suivantes (9 motifs de 6 mailles) est-ce qu il faut répéter ces 9 motifs sur toute la rangée Merci en attente de votre réponse

27.02.2024 - 15:05:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Harribaud, pour tricoter A.4 au-dessus des 54 mailles suivantes, tricotez simplement 9 fois les 6 mailles du diagramme, lisez le diagramme A.4 comme les autres, en commençant par le 1er rang sur l'endroit et en le lisant de droite à gauche, sur l'envers, lisez le diagramme de gauche à droite. Bon tricot!

27.02.2024 - 16:37:

Amelia wrote:

Bij het breien van model “remembering spring” , met rondbreinaalden, staat aangegeven bij het breien van de pas: ……brei A.1, A.2 over de volgende 12 steken, brei A.3, 1 recht. Etc. Nu tel ik bij A.1 en A.2 op het patroon samen 10 steken. Hoe wordt dit bedoeld? Alvast dank!

26.02.2024 - 20:12:

Nora wrote:

Jeg har begynt på ermet men skjønner ikke hvordan jeg skal strikke A4a, A4b og A4 c?

25.02.2024 - 18:05:

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Nora. Vi skal hjelpe deg så godt vi kan, men fint om du oppgir hvilken oppskrift du strikker etter (skriv gjerne hvilken str. du også strikker og legg Spørsmålet under selve oppskriften). mvh DROPS Design

26.02.2024 - 09:49:


Bonjour, je voudrais faire le modèle winter owl sweater mais je ne comprends pas ce que veut dire : tricoter A1 (jusque là ça va) "au dessus des 5 premières mailles" ??? c'est cette phrase que je vois pas comment faire. Avez-vous une autre explication plus claire ? merci d'avance de votre réponse cordialement AGNES

25.02.2024 - 10:14:

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Armand, tricotez simplement les 5 mailles suivantes comme indiqué dans le diagramme A.1. Bon tricot!

26.02.2024 - 11:00:

REICH wrote:

GutenTag, In der Beschreibung von " Autumm Wreath Jacket ", Drops 228 - 2, Modell ne -347 heißt es in der Strickanleitung der Passe, A.2 über die Maschen von A . 1B stricken. Wie macht man das? Danke

24.02.2024 - 14:52:

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Frau Reich, wenn A.1B fertig ist stricken Sie einfach A.2 so: 5 Blenden-Maschen, 1 Masche glatt rechts, 7, 8, 9 oder 10 Mal (siehe Größe) die 10 Maschen A.2 stricken, die 2 nächsten Maschen wie die 2 ersten Maschen A.2 stricken (so wird das Muster symmetrisch) und 5 Blenden-Maschen. So passen die linken/rechten Maschen in A.2 über die linken/rechten Maschen in A.1B. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!

26.02.2024 - 10:57:

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